Friday, September 21, 2012

Weekly Word

Reader's Workshop
This week we focused on student routines for the three parts of Reader's Workshop--mini-lesson, independent reading, and closing.  Students had an opportunity each day to read quielty.  The class is doing a great job of building their stamina time!  We also discussed how to pick a "just right" book.  We are following the "I PICK" method...
I choose a book.
Purpose--Why do I want to read it?
Interest--Does it interest me?
Comprehend--Do I understand the book?
Know--I know most of the words.

Writer's Workshop
This week we revisited what makes a good small moment story.  I read aloud a few different books that will become our "mentor texts."  The books I read aloud are good examples of small moment stories.  The books will be placed in a "Mentor Text" book basket.  I will add to this basket of books throughout the school year, and students can turn to this basket for ideas during Writer's Workshop.  Together we created an anchor chart, "A Good Small Moment Story..."
*is about one thing
*has a beginning that "grabs you"
*has a closing that doesn't jump away from the story
*has details
*is a true story
*is about something that happened to the writer
*has complete sentences
*has neat handwriting
*has a quick sketch that matches the story

Students also had the opportunity to share their "writing ideas poster" with their turn and talk partner.  Thanks so much for your help at home with this project.  They turned out great!

Math Workshop
This week we focused on number grid puzzles.  These can often be confusing for children.  Remind your child to count by ones when you move left to right on a number grid and count by tens when you move up and down on a number grid.  We also made equivalent names for numbers using the "broken calculator" routine.  Check your child's homework folder for his/her completed math journal pages.  I plan to work on a Math Workshop volunteer schedule this weekend.  If you signed up to volunteer, I will contact you soon.

Science & Social Studies
Students continue to care for the mealworms.  Some are still in the larva stage, and some are in the pupa stage.  Students learned about the complete life cycle of the mealworm this week--egg, larva, pupa, adult.  We also labeled the parts of an insect and learned some interesting facts about the darkling beetle.

In social studies, students worked together to build a community.  Each student picked something to build for our community.  We have houses, a pet store, market, church, car dealership, Toys r Us, Target, a school, movie theatre, Lifetime, shopping mall, Wal-Mart, hospital, city hall, fire department, office buildings, science museum, and police station.  The students were very creative!  Check out the pictures below.

Don't Forget

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